Application Status

ACTIVATEDThis means that the application request has been approved by the insurer and Cermati will process it for issuance.
DATA_COMPLETEThe application data is valid and complete. The application is in the process of sending to the Insurer.
DATA_INCOMPLETEThis means that the application has already received but requires additional data to be updated from the partner in order the application can be processed further. Example of the additional data required at later stage: IMEI submitted from the customer.
ISSUEDThe status when Cermati has sent the insurance summary and policy.
CANCELLEDThe status when the insurance application is cancelled from the partner.
EXPIREDThe application with is cancelled automatically by the system due to period expiration. Applicable for application in DATA_INCOMPLETE state with default expiration day of 30 days
REJECTEDThe application is rejected by the insurer.
WAITING_PAYMENTWaiting for payment from the partner.
VERIFYINGIn the process of verifying submitted application data.
INVALIDThe application is not valid for further processing.